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Friday, 23 January 2015

Free Study in Europe without IELTS 2015

Do you want to Study in Europe for Free without IELTS 2015? Here we have a guide to study in Europe for free for you. Studying abroad is an expansion of your college education and study abroad in Europe is one of the best options. Free Study in Europe sounds like wow… it’s a great deal to get educated abroad. Studying in countries like Spain, England, Germany, and France etc. will enrich your education experiences and your skills a lot.

Here you will have global aspirations which will give you strong ethics towards your business and jobs. So it’s a better choice to study abroad for your higher education. There are a lot of free education systems available in this industry, which will cost you nothing for your whole education, in such countries like Australia, Germany, UK, etc.

Stallion Immigration is one of the best immigration companies in Lahore to provide information transparency to our clients and then implement it effectively in order to achieve desired results to entire satisfaction of our prestigious clients.

Monday, 19 January 2015

Immigration is now top priority for UK voters

Immigration is now the main apprehension for Uk voters, according to diverse polls carried out by the estimation poll company YouGov.

In a series of surveys, immigration has come out either above, or tied with the economy in importance for voters in each survey carried out since May last year. In September, immigration polled 58%, while the economy only reached 48% as being of greatest concern to UK voters. YouGov have stated that this is one of the most important opinion trends of last year.

Immigration for UK
From May to December immigration was seen as the most important issue facing the country, except for on three occasions when it was tied with the economy.'
'Although immigration began to narrow the gap at the end of 2013, 2014 is the first year since 2010 when the economy has not been the top issue.'
'Immigration had an average lead of one point over the whole year, compared to a deficit of 18 in 2013 and 32 in 2012.'


The data from these surveys also indicates that Europe is of increasing concern amongst voters, with only 7% of people choosing it in 2010 as being of greatest concern, compared to 25% in October. These concerns can somewhat explain the rise of UKIP over the past year, as currently they are the only party who have openly stated that they want the UK to leave the EU. If this were to happen then the UK would no longer be governed by EU migration laws.
In May last year, UKIP came out on top in the European elections, winning 4.3m votes, pushing Labour into second place, and the Conservatives into third. UKIP also won two local by-elections for parliamentary seats in the House of Commons, in Rochester and Clacton.


The other political parties have responded to this surge in support for UKIP – David Cameron has promised to stop EU migrants claiming benefits until they have paid into the system for four years. Ed Miliband of the Labour Party has also tried to be seen to be tough on immigration; however it has been suggested that he appears to fumble and change the subject when asked a question directly on immigration.

Lord Green, crossbench peer and Chairman of the anti-immigration MigrationWatch says 'These are remarkable findings. It's simply not possible for the political class to remain in denial any longer. Suggestions that those who are canvassing should simply change the subject are now clearly absurd. The public want effective answers on immigration and will see through attempts to dodge the issue.'
Labour MP for Rochdale Simon Danczuk himself of Eastern European descent has explained that politicians have been too slow to recognise immigration as an issue. He said: 'People have been mentioning immigration to me a lot on the doorstep, people from all different backgrounds including ethnic minorities, working class and middle class people. People feel strongly about it.

Stallion Immigration is one of the best immigration company in Lahore to provide information transparency to our clients and then implement it effectively in order to achieve desired results to entire satisfaction of our prestigious clients.

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Saturday, 17 January 2015

Express Entry for Canada

As of January 2015, Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) has a new electronic system called Express Entry to manage applications for permanent residence under certain economic immigration programs.

The Express Entry system is the first step to immigrate to Canada under these programs. Potential candidates can complete an Express Entry profile at any time. Note that there is no deadline to complete a profile and there are no caps on the number of candidates that will be accepted to the pool.

Anyone who is accepted into the Express Entry pool could get an Invitation to Apply for permanent residence. Draws to invite candidates to apply will take place regularly over the course of each year. We will only pick the top ranking candidates no matter when they were accepted into the pool.

If you are invited to apply, you will have 60 days to submit a complete Application for Permanent Residence online.

The first draw for an invitation to apply is planned for the last week of January 2015.

Stallion Immigration is one of the best immigration company in Lahore to provide information transparency to our clients and then implement it effectively in order to achieve desired results to entire satisfaction of our prestigious clients.

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Tuesday, 28 October 2014

Inadvertently breached your student visa conditions

If you wish to apply for a student visa in Australia and have previously breached a visa condition, you are now able to be granted a student visa in Australia if that breach was the result of exceptional circumstances.
We recognise on some occasions a visa holder may inadvertently breach their visa conditions due to exceptional circumstances outside of their control.
Legislative change has recently been introduced which provides flexibility to take into account these exceptional circumstances. As a result, prospective student visa applicants may no longer need to leave Australia to apply for a new student visa if they have unintentionally breached a visa condition.
They will however, need to provide evidence the breach resulted from exceptional circumstances and they must satisfy all the criteria for grant of the student visa.
 The following fictional scenario is provided as an example of circumstances that may be considered exceptional.
Bernard is studying a Bachelor of Journalism on a Higher Education Sector visa (subclass 573). He is a good student and is determined to gain a qualification that will enhance his prospects of employment in his home country. Partway through his second semester he suddenly falls ill and is taken to hospital.
Due to the severity of his illness, Bernard spends the rest of the semester in hospital recovering from his illness and is unable to notify his education provider to request a deferral from his studies. As the education provider is unable to contact Bernard, he is eventually reported for failing to achieve satisfactory course progress and attendance. Bernard has inadvertently breached visa condition 8202.
Bernard returns to his course and provides a medical certificate to his education provider who retroactively grants him a deferral for his absence. He is now required to study for an extra semester to complete his course and will need to apply for a new student visa.
Due to the legislative change, Bernard can remain in Australia and lodge an application for a new subclass 573 student visa while he continues his studies. When he lodges his student visa application, he includes a declaration outlining the exceptional circumstances that led to him breaching the condition on his visa and provides evidence of his hospitalisation.
The department is satisfied the breach was the result of exceptional circumstances and is also satisfied Bernard meets all the criteria for grant of the student visa including the genuine temporary entrant and genuine student requirements. Bernard is granted a new student visa and is able to complete the final semester of his course in Australia.

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New Identity Requirements in Public Interest Criterion (PIC) 4020

New Identity Requirements in Public Interest Criterion (PIC) 4020

New identity requirements were introduced for Public Interest Criterion (PIC) 4020 from 22 March 2014.
PIC 4020 is a criterion that attaches to a number of visa subclasses. If PIC 4020 is part of the criteria for the particular skilled migration, student, business skills, family or temporary visa you have applied for, you must satisfy PIC 4020 in order to be granted your visa.

Since 2011, PIC 4020 has enabled refusal of a visa if an applicant provides a bogus document or information that is false or misleading in relation to their application.
The new identity requirements mean that as part of your visa application you must now satisfy the Minister of your identity. If you are refused a visa because you are unable to satisfy the Minister of your identity, you will not be granted a visa for a period of 10 years after refusal.
You won’t be able to provide reasons to waive these new requirements, as they are not subject to a waiver.
If your visa is refused because you did not satisfy the Minister of your identity, anyone who is listed as a member of their family unit will also be refused. These family members will also be prevented from being granted another visa (where the visa requires you to satisfy PIC 4020 as part of the visa criteria) for 10 years.
The other criteria of the PIC remain the same and you are still required to satisfy them in order to be granted a visa
Visa applicants must not provide bogus documents or false or misleading information in support of their visa application. If your visa application is refused because you or any of the members of your family unit provide bogus documents or information that is false or misleading in relation to your application, you might be prevented from being granted a visa for three years.
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visas for 51 more nations

visas for 51 more nations

Fifty one countries and regions have been added to the eligibility list for electronic lodgement of Visitor visa (subclass 600) applications from 9 May 2014.
Citizens from 124 countries can now benefit from lodging online to holiday in or visit Australia.
For those who are eligible, travellers to Australia will find the process of applying for a Visitor visa
faster than ever. Online access to these visas is being progressively expanded to all countries.
To check if your country is on the eligibility list, or for more information about online lodgement arrangements for the Visitor visa (subclass 600), see our Visitor visa

For further information please Visit our website our Visit our facebook page.

Changes to Other Family and Non-Contributory Parent visas

Changes to Other Family and Non-Contributory Parent visas

On 2 June 2014 the government repealed the following visas:
Parent (non-contributory) visas:
  • subclass 103 (Parent)
  • subclass 804 (Aged Parent)
Other Family visas:
  • subclasses 114 and 838 (Aged Dependent Relative)
  • subclasses 115 and 835 (Remaining Relative) and
  • subclasses 116 and 836 (Carer)
Why is the Government ceasing new applications for these visas?
The focus of family migration is on the reunion of close family members, who are the partners, children and contributory parents of Australian citizens and permanent residents. Closure of the Parent (non-contributory) and Other Family visas will help free up places in the Family Stream for the migration of close family members.
The visas being repealed have long processing queues. Based on current planning levels, an applicant for a Parent (non-contributory) visa can expect to wait about 13 years before being considered for the grant of a visa after being allocated a queue date. An applicant for an Other Family visa can expect a waiting time of between four years (for a Carer visa) and 16 years (for a Remaining Relative and Aged Dependent Relative visa). These waiting periods reflect the significant number of visa

applications in comparison to the limited number of visa places available each Migration Programme year.
What other options will parents have to migrate to Australia?
Parents will continue to have the option of applying for a permanent Contributory Parent visa, either subclass 143 (Parent) for parents outside Australia or subclass 864 (Aged Parent) for parents in Australia. Under these visas, applicants are required to pay a higher Visa Application Charge (VAC) and Assurance of Support bond than the Non-contributory parent visa. It is possible to stagger the costs by first applying for a temporary Contributory Parent visa and then for the permanent Contributory Parent visa. The temporary Contributory Parent visas include the Contributory Parent (subclass 173) visa for parents outside Australia and the Contributory Aged Parent (subclass 884) visa for parents in Australia.
Alternatively, parents can apply for a long stay Visitor visa which allows eligible parents to visit their children in Australia for regular periods of up to 12 months at a time over an extended validity period. For many families, temporary stay provides greater flexibility without the need to wait in a queue for years for a permanent visa.
What options do other family relatives have to migrate to Australia once these visas are closed?
Relatives of Australian citizens and permanent residents other than partners, children and contributory parents who wish to migrate to Australia will need to satisfy requirements for entry as a skilled migrant. All intending migrants interested in the points based skilled migration or business investment and innovation visa programs
are required to submit an Expression of Interest (EOI) using the SkillSelect online service and receive an invitation in order to lodge a visa application.
I have already applied for a visa. What happens to my application?
If you have already applied for an Other Family or Non-Contributory Parent visa your application will continue to be processed under existing regulations and policy. Please note that the Parent (non-contributory) and Other Family visas are subject to annual planning levels. In 2014-15, 1500 places have been allocated to Parent (non-contributory) and 500 places to Other Family. Based on 2014-15 planning levels, you can expect to wait up to 13 years for a Parent (non-contributory) visa, four years for an Other Family (Carer) visa and up to 16 years for an Other Family (Aged Dependent Relative) or Other Family (Remaining Relative) visa.
I want to add a dependent family member to my existing application. Am I able to do this?
Eligible dependent family members, such as a partner or dependent children, are able to be added to an application after the date of repeal. You will need to provide evidence of the relationship, including dependency, in submitting this application.
I have an ongoing need for assistance due to a disability and had intended to sponsor my relative to migrate to Australia as a Carer to look after me. What options would I have to bring my relative to Australia if the Carer visa is closed to new applications?
Relatives other than the partners, children and contributory parents of Australian citizens and permanent residents who wish to migrate to Australia will need to satisfy requirements for entry as a skilled migrant.
Alternatively, your relative may be eligible for a longer stay Visitor visa. Eligible applicants are able to stay in Australia for a longer stay period than would otherwise be provided on a Visitor visa, where they can show that the purpose of their visit is to assist with the short-term care needs of a seriously ill relative who is an Australian citizen or permanent resident. Normal visitor visa requirements apply including the requirement that the applicant genuinely intends only a temporary stay in Australia.
What alternatives are there for me to migrate to Australia as a remaining relative or aged dependant relative if these visas are closed?
Relatives other than the partners, children and parents of Australian citizens and permanent residents who wish to migrate to Australia will need to satisfy the requirements for entry as a skilled migrant.
For more information see:

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