Pakistani Students earn after their Admission in Educational
Institute/Universities UK by Mr. Saeed Asghar Chahal Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd
The CEO, Mr. Saeed Asghar Chahal of
Immigration Pvt Ltd is leader in immigration and student visa
consultants in Pakistan.
Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd takes immigration rules
and regulations very carefully and guide people who are interested in
immigration. Here Stallion
Immigration Pvt Ltd discusses important
immigration pre-requisites
According to Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd there's been a spurt in the number of students from
Pakistan, applying for UK Student Visas with applications rising in thousands
per every quarter of the year. Refusals by the Entry Clearance Officer, are
also witnessing a steep climb. Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd states that one of the many reasons could be the very
first tip that I have given below. Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd insight into writing these tips.
The best learning came from Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd and Pakistani students studying in UK educational institutions. The following tips and advice stems from this encounter.
*FIRST - Be sure your choice of Institution is CORRECT
Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd checks the status of The School, College or University that you select should be *TIER 4 Certified *by Home Office (UKBA) AUTHORIZING such certified institutions to enroll foreign students for secure and better education.
The best learning came from Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd and Pakistani students studying in UK educational institutions. The following tips and advice stems from this encounter.
*FIRST - Be sure your choice of Institution is CORRECT
Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd checks the status of The School, College or University that you select should be *TIER 4 Certified *by Home Office (UKBA) AUTHORIZING such certified institutions to enroll foreign students for secure and better education.
*SECOND - The streets of London are not paved with
Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd discourages false statements to convince you that you can work and earn huge money on a Student's Visa in the UK. FALSE! Remember, your entire education expenses, including Fees, Books, Food, Accommodation, Travel, etc., SHOULD be financed by your PARENTS or GUARDIAN. The money you can LEGALLY earn ON-CAMPUS for prescribed hours only PER WEEK is your "pocket money" enough only to meet small expenses. Sometimes, you may never get your on-campus job for weeks! So, please do not think either of working and financing your studies in the UK or sending money to support your family in Pakistan.
*THIRD - If a girl SMILES, it doesn't mean she is
ready to SLEEP with you
Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd also guide through the cultural values of UK and Pakistan because the aspect of Pakistani students is the sudden, open, cultural attack. They get to see lots of pretty, young women, teenage girls wearing revealing clothes and always SMILING and walking on the streets. Here Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd do the correction! In Pakistan, if a girl smiles at a boy on the street (which is very rare, as Pakistanis never smile, they only frown), it means she is ready to go to bed with the boy. BUT in LONDON or across the UK, smiling means a part of life and is a natural human tendency to put a stranger in the city at ease.
*FOURTH – NEVER make friends with ISLAMIC Organizations or go political
Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd also guide you on an important aspect of living in UK i.e. As a student in the UK, KEEP your RELIGIOUS VIEWS, BELIEFS and PRACTICES to YOURSELF. Never join any group claiming to put you back on the right track of Islam because you are under threat in a land where a man can marry another man! Be wary of such characters and avoid their company. Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd also states to never join any political, social, or charity group run by Muslims or Arabs or for that reason by any other religion. Also be careful about your room mates and Pakistani friends. NEVER trust them. YOU are the ONE whom you should TRUST FIRST! Your time and money are precious. Just stick to your studies.
For a better image of Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd and Pakistan, Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd advice her clients to be a good Pakistani Student and set some wonderful examples as you are the BRAND Ambassador of your country Pakistan, needing a lot of damage-repairing. And YES! When you do get an opportunity to meet a British Politician, DO look him STRAIGHT in the eyes and talk!
Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd also guide through the cultural values of UK and Pakistan because the aspect of Pakistani students is the sudden, open, cultural attack. They get to see lots of pretty, young women, teenage girls wearing revealing clothes and always SMILING and walking on the streets. Here Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd do the correction! In Pakistan, if a girl smiles at a boy on the street (which is very rare, as Pakistanis never smile, they only frown), it means she is ready to go to bed with the boy. BUT in LONDON or across the UK, smiling means a part of life and is a natural human tendency to put a stranger in the city at ease.
*FOURTH – NEVER make friends with ISLAMIC Organizations or go political
Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd also guide you on an important aspect of living in UK i.e. As a student in the UK, KEEP your RELIGIOUS VIEWS, BELIEFS and PRACTICES to YOURSELF. Never join any group claiming to put you back on the right track of Islam because you are under threat in a land where a man can marry another man! Be wary of such characters and avoid their company. Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd also states to never join any political, social, or charity group run by Muslims or Arabs or for that reason by any other religion. Also be careful about your room mates and Pakistani friends. NEVER trust them. YOU are the ONE whom you should TRUST FIRST! Your time and money are precious. Just stick to your studies.
For a better image of Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd and Pakistan, Stallion Immigration Pvt Ltd advice her clients to be a good Pakistani Student and set some wonderful examples as you are the BRAND Ambassador of your country Pakistan, needing a lot of damage-repairing. And YES! When you do get an opportunity to meet a British Politician, DO look him STRAIGHT in the eyes and talk!