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Thursday, 16 October 2014

Immigrate To Hong Kong from Pakistan

How To Immigrate To Hong Kong from Pakistan?

Hong Kong is one of most successful economies of Asia. Every year HKSAR receives an increasing number of requests for immigration. You have multiple options available to immigrate to this one of four Asian tiger nations with varying eligibility requirements.

HK immigration statutes have been designed on basis of requirements of economic aspirations of this autonomous region. We can generalize scheme of things primarily into
·       Immigration arrangement for non local graduates-IANG

·       General Employment scheme-GEP
·       QMAS aided by General Point Test-GPT or Achievement based point test-ABP
IANG: This program aims to encourage overseas students
·       Accomplished a fulltime and regular graduation or higher course from a recognized academic establishment of HK.
Non-resident students – NRGs filing requests
·       Within 6 months of accomplishment are fresh NRGs
·       After 6 months of accomplishment are called returning NRGs          
Fresh graduates do not need on-hand job offer, while returning graduates need on-hand job offer. Both classes of non-resident graduates are granted 1 year residence in cases where all other parameters concerned with Stallion Immigration have been fulfilled.

GEP: This scheme has been incorporated to address labor shortage issued in local labor pool. Aspirants filing under GEP must have
·       Appropriate academic credentials with technical proficiency in requisite trade if desired in certain occupational premise
·       An authentic employment offer
·       Wages offered should be in confirmation of prevalent levels for corresponding profession in local labor pool
GEP and IANG programs do not have annual sealing and have been planned to boost image of Hong Kong as a globally competitive city. Schemes are available for people in
·       Commercial
·       Arts
·       Culture
·       Sports
·       Culinary skills etc.
QMAS: Quality Migrant Admission Scheme encourages entry of highly trained emigrants who would enter region and settle down with appropriate jobs in their occupational premise or establish businesses and contribute productively to economy of HKSAR. There is annual sealing of 1000 grants. A migrant must fulfill preliminary stipulations to be considered for this program

Preliminary stipulations
An applicant must
·       Be over 18 years
·       Have relevant academic qualifications to suffice with the trade in which he/she specializes
·       Have stipulated linguistic proficiency in English i.e. minimum of Band 6 in IELTS
Post-preliminary stipulations include clearing either GPT or ABP evaluation         
GPT is most crucial part of HK immigration and it is mandatory to score 80 marks (out of 165) is conducted on basis of factors such as
·       AGE
·       Academic credentials
·       Employment exposure
·       Linguistic abilities
·       Family background
ABP evaluation targets outstanding migrants with exceptional skills and achievements in their trades. In this evaluation only one parameter is allocated a score of 165 marks provided a migrant
·       Is a recipient of global level recognition and accolades
·       Has participated, and made phenomenal infusions into innovations in his/her trade premise

For further information please Visit our Website or Visit our facebook page.

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